Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Prime Minister Hans Ensoken of Greenland became the 33rd world leader to honor my request and one of the few to personally sign the photo.

In the enclosed letter the Prime Minister is referred to merely as Premier. I wonder if that is a preference or just happenstance.

I also wonder about the interesting garb the Prime Minister (or Premier) wears. Clearly it's a cultural or religious thing. If anyone could shed some light on this it would be greatly appreciated. (Doesn't it kinda look like a spacesuit?)

Though very much independent, Greenland is technically a Danish territory and not a sovereign nation. It is somewhat anomalous because while Denmark is part of the European Union, Greenland specifically isn't. With a population of only 56,000 it is probably the least populated area, as of yet, to respond to my request.

Truthfully, I must confess that my letter to Greenland, because it is technically not a country, was the only one not included in the original 208 letters dispatched around the world. It only dawned on me a week after I mailed the others when I finished reading this amazing book.

One more thing; Does anyone know the translation for Tusagassiivik? Apparently it's a word in Greenlandic...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

from what i can work out Tusagassiivik means "Greenland Home Rule" which is the name of the Greenlandic government please don't qupte me on any of this as i just typed it into google and it's mostly guess work

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home Rule is "Hjemmestyre"
"Tusagassiivik" is the Department of Information.

11:33 AM  

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